Pet Tech First Aid & CPR Classes

Pet Tech™ is the first international training center dedicated to CPR, First Aid & Care for dogs and cats. The Pet Tech program is used by Homeland Security and TSA and is recommended by PSI (Pet Sitters International).

Melissa makes this 5 hour class fun as well as educational & hands-on. We practice CPR & First Aid for dogs and cats in a small group setting so that we are all prepared for the unexpected.

Pet First Aid & CPR Topics covered:

Importance of pet first aid

Rescue Breathing

How to put together your own pet first aid kit

Effective choking management techniques

Snout-to-tail Assessment

Restraining and muzzling techniques

Handling of heat and cold injuries

How to handle possible poisoning situations

Pet CPR (3 styles)

Bleeding management

Insect bite and sting management

Best steps to handle snake bites

Be proactive!
Learn the skills that can help save a pet’s life!

Class includes PetsaverTM 40-page handbook,and bleeding and muzzling kit. Upon successful completion, each participant receives a certificate & wallet card.

Get In Touch!

833- MRRY-PUP (833-677-9787)
We are excited to talk about your needs and learn about your pets! A phone call is the best way to get the intake process started. Once we talk, we can help set up an online account, and schedule you for a Meet and Greet so we can meet in person!

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